Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pediatric radiography discussion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pediatric radiography discussion - Case Study Example age receptor is then placed on the holder mount and the device is able to rotate the image in the posterior and the anterior positions without actually moving the child. The digital version has the image recorded in the flat panel detector, hence it does not require a cassette holder. When stockinettes are used, they are to be made in a tubular manner. The device comes in various sizes, where the 3 inch one is recommended for the small infants, whereas the 4 inch one is recommended for larger children. The device should be doubled and placed on the patient’s arms to cover the arms up to the shoulders. A part from being used to immobilize the arms, it is also used to act as a pillow. There are several types of gentle tapes that are used for surgical and immobilization procedures and sensitive skins. Adhesive tapes should not be used as it may show on the radiograph and create artifact that could obscure the anatomic parts of interest. Some patients also have a reaction to the adhesive tape. Adhesive tapes can also injure the fragile skin of the infants. Therefore, the tape should be twisted so that the adhesive surface is not against the skin. Gauze pads can also be placed between the skin and adhesive tape so that the ape is used effectively. Most of the sandbags are used as weights or immobilization devices for bigger children. These bags should be made specifically for immobilization of pediatric patients so as to be effective for this purpose. A strong canvas type material and children’s coarse sterilized playing sand should be used. The coarse sand is usually recommended so that, in case the bag can break open, the sand becomes more easily cleaned up, hence the chances of causing artifacts on the radiograph s are minimized. Two sandbags are recommended, but the sandbags should not be overfilled with sand since this will make the bag stiff. The bag needs to be pliable enough to mold to the part when placed on the child’s limb. During pediatric

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Global Poverty Essay Example for Free

Global Poverty Essay To be born into poverty without a choice is possibly one of the greatest misfortunes that any person can be victimized with. According to Howard Hubbard author of Fighting Poverty to Build Peace, â€Å"An estimated 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $1.25 a day.† It leaves a person with a huge challenge of survival and an extremely difficult task of creating a better future for themselves. To understand the implications of poverty across the world, one needs to first thoroughly understand its definition. It is often difficult to establish what the definition of poverty is, because, being poor, differs dramatically across countries all around the world. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) poverty is defined in two different ways, human poverty and income poverty.[1] The definition of poverty from a human development point of view means â€Å"the denial of choices and opportunities most basic to human development to lead a long, healthy, creative life and to enjoy a decent standard of living, freedom, self-esteem and respect of others,† Alters pg 1. According to UNDP human poverty is more than income poverty. In many of the poorest nations across the world people die everyday due to poverty. Poverty proves to be one of main problems that plague the global society. I will discuss the different kinds of poverty, the causes and solutions of poverty in the global society. In the global society, poverty makes itself prominent in a variety of categories depending on each individual economy. [2]The World Bank facts for world poverty reveals that, a higher number of people live in poverty than previously thought and this number is increasing day by day. This is the main reason why in most nations today inequality is on a high and this gap is continuously rising. It is difficult to measure national poverty lines across nations because the different classes have different percentage of income that is to be spent on food. In some of the most underdeveloped and poorest economies of the world such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan and Haiti people live in widespread poverty and dire living conditions .[3] According to the United Nations list of least developed countries in 2009, 33 were in Africa, 15 in Asia and 1 was in Latin America.[4] In other areas such as much of Europe and the United States poverty exists, but the gap of comparison is very large in comparison to a county like Angola. Poverty creates a division among  nations. That division has been growing now for a century or more. Poor countries are most often sidelined by the richer and more developed ones. This was the case of the colonization of countries like India by the British. Rich and powerful countries have the advantage of modern technology and arms to subdue the poorer ones. Although the United Nations has started helping poor countries they often feel indebted and dependent on their charity provider. The causes of poverty are many, however some of the main reasons that contribute to poverty in the world are: unemployment, lack of education, illiteracy, natural disasters and violence. The combination of all these factors can make any nation poor. This high level of inequality certainly affects the social cohesion and leads to problems such as increasing crime and violence. It is a matter of fact that effect of poverty is being transferred from generation to generation. Poor people are often dejected and unwell, and due to that they’re unable to work.[5] The World Bank estimates that poverty has held at around 25 percent of the population since the mid-1990s. And because of population growth, the number of poor actually increased to around 128 million in the early 2000s. The countries adversely affected by poverty do not progress, as the there is a little room for the development of the population. The social and cultural factors of a nation impact the economic situation of a country. The reasons for poverty differ based on the culture and the social system within a nation. People throughout the world are subjected to poverty, whether it’s due to illiteracy, unemployment and or a family history issue. A history of poverty in the family leads to many physical as well as mental problems. Poor parents do not have the resources to get their children educated. This results in the children having to deal with a lot of obstacles when trying to get jobs. The discrimination is felt acutely by them as they do not have the required skills to cope. Most often such poverty also leads to abuse. This sometimes results in bad habits in some families, like smoking, drinking and drugs. â€Å"Improving the access of the poor to assets and services will help the m share in, and contribute to, economic growth,† says Jaime Saavedra and Omar Arias author of Stuck in a Rut. The environment in the form of natural disasters plays a significant role in the cause of  increasing poverty in less developed nations. According to Akin Mabogunje the author of Poverty and Environmental Degradation: Challenges Within the Global Economy, â€Å"In many developing countries, inadequate attention is given to environmental management in areas occupied by the poor, and therefore, they are exposed to numerous environmental hazards.† When a country is affected by many different natural disasters including earthquakes, droughts, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, windstorms, and forest fires it completely devastates the poor and greatly diminishes their chances of escaping poverty. [6] According to the World Bank two billion people have been affected by Natural Disasters since the mid 1990’s. [7] In addition, people in countries that are engaged in some kind of conflict or war whether the countries are developed or developing typically experience some kind of economic hardship.[8] Armed conflict often makes countries that have a high number of poor much worse. War and conflict often results in a refugee status for many of the most impoverished people in the world. This results in basic denial of human rights such as the right to seek legal employment which further diminishes impoverished condition.[9] All over the world people suffer the consequences of poverty. It is often seen the effects of poverty is not improving and is continually passed on from generation to generation. This vicious cycle results in families concentrating on what is happening in the current moment, not focusing on the future or on how to better their own lives. People around the world that suffer from poverty concentrate on the basic element of survival like the need for food and shelter. Often making future plans to change the cycle of poverty from generation to generation to become unimportant when a family doesn’t have access to food, water or a place to sleep. [10]Democracy starts at home, but the scope, and consequences, of global economic decisions often extend far beyond national borders. The consequences of poverty include lack of opportunities, physical and mental illness, drug abuse and physical abuse, homelessness and illiteracy and lack of educational development, etc. Poverty is the most prevailing problem in the world. In today’s society we see that the richer are becoming richer, while the poor continually suffer  from increasing poverty. The problem not only lies with the people, but also with the government. The government corruption is the leading problem in the most of the countries, where the funds raised for the benefit of the poor are being used in an illegal and often detrimental way. The government must manage the economic system efficiently and use the funds in appropriate way to solve the issue of poverty. Currently as the poverty has become a world problem, the countries should form a union and think for a common solution against this problem. They should take the aid of all the ways to motivate the people to come out of the poverty. The governments can seek help of volunteers to educate and provide the knowledge on health, sanitation and many other factors, where poor families can easily relate to. On a global level, organizations like the United Nations need to put in place mandatory policy regarding solutions to poverty. Some of these recommendations include: create poverty-focused foreign assistance programs that focus of poverty reduction and creating government accountability for poverty. In addition, create policies that focus on reform of trade and agricultural policies to help with sustainable development and protect small farmers and business owners. The United Nations needs to provide political and financial support that fuel peacekeeping missions to reduce violence that impoverishes many nations around the world. Lastly, governments need to promote continual peacekeeping efforts to areas that suffer from continual conflict and poverty to promote sustainable development. [11] One of the main solutions to reduce poverty is education and literacy. As illiteracy and education are highly interrelated, people must choose to overcome the illiteracy in the world. As the knowledge increases, the access to employment also increases and use of technology also makes the people more self-sufficient. [12]Education also enables the poor and disadvantaged in society to escape poverty through their own efforts, that is, to counter irreversibility’s and poverty traps. People who attain a higher level of education are much less likely to take part in the working poor, opposed to those who have a lower level of education. [13]Human development is now part of the equation, meaning that education, health, life expectancy, and other indicators of well-being are given greater attention. Focusing on immediate issues and directly on your own domestic problems will diminish poverty across the world and open up possibilities of planning for the  future. In order for the global society to prosper we need to take notice of ideas like investments in agriculture, healthcare, and education. This idea for global development will create an effective change in the long run.[14] Poverty and population growth are very much interrelated. By reducing these two problems improvements can be made in health and the whole well being of society. A goal of the international community as a whole is to improve general health by ensuring sufficient nutrition. [15] In 2004, President Musharraf of Pakistan said that population growth was the main factor retarding economic growth, poverty alleviation, and action on joblessness.† Since the population growth keeps increasing the demands for natural resources keeps rising beyond the means of supporting the current population. According to the article Critical links: Population, Health, and the Environment, ninety-nine percent of world population growth is occurring in less developed countries. This means we need reduce global population growth by creating laws that focus on social policy that will encourage smaller families for less developed impoverished nations that cannot sustain large population growth. This policy will reduce the fertility rate, and help slow the growth of the global populations. For example according to Lester Brown’s article Can We Build A Sustainable Economy, â€Å"Iran, facing both land, hunger and water scarcity, now limits public subsidies for housing, health care, and insurance to three children per family. In Peru, President Alberto Fujimori, who was elected overwhelmingly to his second five-year term in a predominantly Catholic country, said in his inaugural address in August 1995 that he wanted to provide better access to family-planning services for poor women.â₠¬  Being born into poverty is the worst disadvantage that any human can be at. Combating poverty will take a unified effort on the part of all the worlds nations, especially the ones who are at the helm of international affairs. Organizations like the United Nations will have to be at the forefront and lead the way for the others to emulate. Alongside poverty, well also have to focus on the population growth and pool in efforts to stem it. Although the problem of world poverty is a one of biblical proportions, it is not insurmountable, and it too can be tackled. But it would require perhaps the greatest coordinated effort that mankind has ever witnessed in its history. Such a well organized coordinated effort would not be possible if there is a  lack of consciousness on a global level. But the basic problem with human kind is that, they restrict their concern to themselves only, without caring much for those who are the victim of a poorer luck. Even if we start taking care of poverty, then we only care about our won nations, instead of dealing it on a global level. But all of us should remember that poverty is inhuman and is not constricted to any particular nation. Therefore it would be our duty to stop such inhuman treatment of human race and become less selfish so that we can deal with a serious issue like poverty on a global level. Bibliography Hubbard, Howard J. Fighting Poverty to Build Peace. America. 09 Feb. 2009: 11. eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. De Souza, Roger-Mark; Williams, John S; Meyerson, Frederick A B. Critical links: Population, health, and the environment. Population Bulletin. 01 Sep. 2003: 2. eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Kent, Mary M; Haub, Carl. Global Demographic Divide. Population Bulletin. 01 Dec. 2005: 3. eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Lester R. Brown. We Can Build a Sustainable Economy. Futurist 30. (1996) eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Mabogunje, Akin L. Poverty and environmental degradation: Challenges within the global economy. Environment 1(2002):8. eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Saavedra, Jaime; Arias, Omar S. Stuck in a Rut. Finance Development. 01 Dec. 2005: 18. eLibrary. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Alters, Sandra M. World Poverty. Detroit, MI: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Anderson, Judith. Ending Poverty and Hunger. Mankato, MN: Sea-To-Sea Publications, 2010. Print. Shah, Anup. â€Å"Causes of Poverty.† Global Issues, Updated: 28 Nov. 2010. Accessed: 14 Dec. 2010. 9 Hertel, Shareen. The private side of global governance. Journal of International Affairs. 01 Oct. 2003: 41. eLibrary. Web. 15 Dec. 2010. Shalendra D. Sharma The Promise of Monterrey: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals. World Policy Journal 3(2004):51. eLibrary. Web. 15 Dec. 2010. Lancaster, Carol. The New Face of Development. Current History. 01 Jan. 2008: 36. eLibrary. Web. 15 Dec. 2010.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History Of What Is Crime Criminology Essay

History Of What Is Crime Criminology Essay What is crime. Many people when asked this question assume its a common sense answer, something that is seemed wrong or illegal and results in punishment of some form. However there is no simple answer to this question. According to the Oxford dictionary crime is defined as an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law, therefore in its simplest form crime is a punishable act of which breaks the rules of the law. However the concept of crime is surrounded by constantly changing ideas and perceptions of what constitutes criminal behaviour. Crime is always socially defined leading to competing views and extensive debate. In this essay I will be focusing on defining crime in terms of legal definitions and also defining crimes in terms of sociological definitions, which can be argued to be the main to focuses when attempting to answer this question. Blackburn (1993) defines crime as acts attracting legal punishment, [they] are offences against the community. Crimes result with consequences that are damaging in some way to the community or one of more people within it. These consequences can range from trivial to severe. Blackburn recognizes that crimes are, in theory, generally disapproved by the entire of society as they often involve violating moral rules held by those members of society, he also notes some of the difficulties and limitations of this way of defining crime. For example, personal opinion will impact the definition of crime. Not all crimes are disapproved by all people, e.g. speeding. This is a criminal act but does not have a wide-spread social disapproval. Secondly, whilst the vast majority of criminal acts such as murder violate societies moral rules, acts that are part of a bigger picture do not such as possession of a banned drug for personal use, these crimes can be termed victimless crimes. These crimes ar e illegal in the UK but there is not a clear understanding of which, if any, moral codes they violate. This leads me on to the question of whether crime, although its primarily defined by the law, is it not also based on social and cultural factors (social and cultural norms and values)? In our society it is the legal system that defines which acts are criminal and which are not. A crime cannot be committed unless the act violates the law. In the UK the legal system follows a tradition of a crime has not been committed unless there is a guilty act, an act that is voluntarily carried out with a guilty mind and an intention to commit the act. Therefore in theory if the act has not been intentionally chosen then it is not a crime. It can be argued that there is an assumption that criminal acts are systematically arranged in law; the law has been created, policed and enforced by the UK state. Crime in terms of the legal system is acts which break the law of the land, as demonstrated by the Oxford English Dictionary definition. The legal definition of crime is a very weighted argument, however many also argue that in order to define crime we rely on existing social and cultural norms which are accepted in society. The definition of crime is dependent on it as it effects our own interpretation of what crime is. Social and cultural factors are constantly evolving and changing. They are not static and this therefore makes them susceptible to changes which inevitably affect the definition of crime. For example, the 1604 Witchcraft Act. This law stated that those who had been accused of witchcraft were burnt at the stake if the cases were petty treason, however with the majority of cases resulting in hanging or a year in prison if the individual committed only a minor offence. This act was repealed in 1951 in Britain. However, a clear example of how social and cultural factors impact the law is the fact that in Africa, the witchcraft ban in Zimbabwe only ended in 2006. Therefore, on the one hand crimes are acts that break the law, and on the other, they are acts which can offend against a set of norms like a moral code, this is also known as the normative definition of crime. Cultures change and the political environment changes with that which means societies may criminalise or decriminalise certain behaviours. This will also have an impact on crime rates which will then also inevitably influence the general public opinion of crime. In the UK rape is a definite Invasion of our social norms, values and rights as an individual. Rape is not accepted in any case. However in South Africa a survey by CIET found that 60% of both boys and girls, aged 10 to 19 years old, thought it was not violent to force sex upon someone they knew, while around 11% of boys and 4% of girls admitted to forcing someone else to have sex with them. The study also found that 12.7% of the students believed in the virgin cleansing myth (an HIV/AIDS positive male believing that having sex with a virgin girl will cure him of his disease). In the culture these children have been socialised into, these are their own social norms and opinions that are accepted in their society, in the UK and in fact in the majority of other countries and cultures around the world this behaviour would be seen as illegal, horrific and completely wrong. A final impact on our norms and behaviour is religious traditions that may promote these norms. The may, in turn clash or fit with perceived interests of a state. Many socially accepted or even imposed religious morality has influences on issues that may otherwise only have concerned each individuals conscience. There are many activities that are sometimes criminalized on religious grounds, for example alcohol-consumption and abortion. However although these may be beliefs of certain religious followers, in societies where religion has less power and impact on the legal system both these acts are legal and widely accepted. So what a crime is depends on whether you view it from a legal or a normative perspective. There is no simple, fixed, objective definition of crime it is not a simple matter. Crimes are defined by societies and by culture and the time that we live in. For example, it would not have been a crime one hundred years ago to not pay your TV licence in the UK, because there was no TV. In Victorian pharmacies, cocaine was sold, but today this would be considered illegal in most countries. So what we view as a crime depends on how crime is viewed, time, particular society and the culture. Society is constantly evolving and changing along with social values, beliefs and norms. This process will inevitably have an impact on what constitutes a crime and how crime is in general defined. Although there are many problems with defining crime, this shouldnt overshadow the fact that the purpose of the law to reinforce the punishment of crime is clear, it is there to protect the public, this could in i tself contribute to defining crime.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Poe :: essays research papers

Edgar Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart What Should the Killer’s Punishment Be?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart, the narrator describes the brutal murder of his roommate, while constantly pleading his case of sanity. Through this, we come to realize that the narrator is nothing other than insane. Although the narrator is insane, he committed a grotesque murder and should pay for what he did. In a case like this, although the person is insane, you want to give them a cruel and unjust sentence, like the cruel and unjust murder they committed. Criminals and insane people are both a threat to themselves and society but in different ways, which is why there is jail for criminals and insane asylums for psychopaths.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tell-Tale Heart illustrates the human spirit of the narrator as a mysterious and inexplicable force. After reading the first paragraph of the story, I have already decided that the narrator is, in fact, insane. â€Å"I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell† (Poe 1). Anyone who earnestly states that they heard things in heaven and hell clearly is not in their right mind. The narrator then tries proving his sanity due to the fact that he can tell the whole story calmly; this in fact does the opposite. Anyone who can tell the story of police coming in the middle of the night about a murder calmly is strange. â€Å"Hearken! And observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story† (Poe 1). So far, everything he says proves that he is insane.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The perpetrator states clearly that he enjoys the act of killing. â€Å"In an instant I dragged him to the floor, and pulled the heavy bed over him, I then smiled gaily, to find the deed so far gone† (Poe 2). Not only does he kill the old man because of an infected eye, but he also dismembers the body. He also brags of how neat he was and seems very proud of this. He is clearly not in his right mind; his acts are shocking. When the police arrive, the narrator invites them in for coffee, where they drink the coffee in the roommates’ room right above the dead, mangled body. Anyone who was trying to get away with murder clearly would not do any of the above.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have concluded that the narrator is guilty, but is also insane.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Heroin and Pretty Good Book

Jude by Kate Morgenroth is a story about a fifteen year old named Jude. It’s a pretty good book about a kid who struggles in a drug and murder world. Jude’s mom abandoned him when he was young. His dad was drug dealer that mainly deal with heroin. Sadly his dad was murdered and he was a witness. He can’t go to the police or his life will be in danger. This is the story of a fifteen year old named Jude. When his dad dies of an overdose he is alone. Till his mom with open arms lets him in her life. The fact that his mom has a boyfriend didn’t make his stay easier. On top of that he is a police officer named Harry. Harry is a good guy but a stereotype towards Jude cause of his history with his dad. His mom thinks it would be best if he went to a private school. Jude didn’t like it and didn’t have many friends. One day a classmate dies of a overdose and Jude is the first person everyone looks at. Cause of his history with his dad he is held for trial for murder. Jude has a court date for his murder trial. Though innocent, he has no evidence to prove otherwise. His mom is worried and Harries trying to get the evidence to prove him not guilty. Jude is pretty much in his own world. This fifteen year old boy with a worried mother and died dad. All he can do is blame his dad for this horrible history he is left with. Then his mom’s boyfriend goes to his room to give him the news. He tries to explain the risky scheme he has came up with. Jude thought it was either the plan or jail so he decides to go through with it. The plan that Harry came up with was risky but it was all they got. He explains how he has to get his friend Anna elected for an anti-drug campaign that would clear his name and his history. He got news that he was going to be tried as an adult for his trail. It worried him that if the plan doesn’t work he could do up to 5 years. So he helps Harry on his plan to prove his innocents. It worked, he got Anna elected for the anti-drug campaign. When trail was up the biggest twist I have ever read. Harry double crossed him and got him sent to 5 years of hard labor. The plan was for finical gain towards the campaign and getting Jude out of the way. This story about a fifteen year old boy named Jude. About his drug, murder, and jail filled life. His life started with a dead drug dad and a mom that didn’t even want him. Now he is jail doing 5 years cause of his mother’s boyfriend. This is a story of a boy and his messed up world. This is probably the best book if u likes twist and action. I recommend this book to older teens like 15+ but a really good book.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Irony of Kingship in Edward Ii

Irony of kingship One way to discuss the â€Å"irony of kingship† in Christopher Marlowe’s play Edward II is to focus on the ways in which Edward himself falls short of Renaissance ideals of a good king. Edward, in other words, has inherited the title of monarch, but he often fails to live up to the responsibilities of ruling a monarchy. His personal affection for Gaveston is so great that he often neglects his duties to his other subjects. This kind of neglect is already implied in Gaveston’s opening speech.In that speech, Gaveston begins by reading two sentences from a personal letter he has received from Edward: My father is deceas'd. Come, Gaveston, And share the kingdom with thy dearest friend. No sooner does Edward’s father die, and no sooner does Edward thereby become king, than he is already focusing, ironically, on his own personal desires. The idea that a monarch could â€Å"share† the kingdom with a friend (no matter how â€Å"dear†) would have struck many of Marlowe’s contemporaries as foolish and irresponsible.Gaveston’s reaction – in which he delights in the prospects of being â€Å"the favourite of a king† – already suggests the potentially ironic outcome of Edward’s plan: he hopes to benefit himself by giving too much power to a man who ironically seems primarily interested in his own â€Å"bliss† and â€Å"delight. † Instead of feeling summoned to England as a responsible statesman, Gaveston correctly sees an â€Å"amorous† intention in Edward’s words.Many Elizabethans would have thought that the king now had a responsibility to put his personal affections aside (especially since he was already married) and act in the best interests of the nation. Instead, Edward’s motives seem, ironically, the opposite of those of a king who should be truly devoted to his people. Clearly, Gaveston has no great desire to go to England and encou rage Edward to be a selfless ruler.Instead, Gaveston next mentions his desire to be held in the king’s â€Å"arms. † Speaking of Edward, Gaveston refers to â€Å"The king, upon whose bosom let me lie,† even if doing so means that he will â€Å"be still at enmity† with â€Å"the world† (that is, with others in the kingdom). Gaveston’s desires, like those of Edward, are mainly personal. The crucial difference is that Gaveston is not the king. Edward is, and his subsequent behavior will seem ironic in light of his very important social role.Gaveston assumes that once he has become the personal favorite of the monarch, he will not have to show respect to other important people in the realm: Farewell base stooping to the lordly peers! My knee shall bow to none but to the king. Given the nature of the relationship between Gaveston and Edward, the last line just quoted would have struck many Elizabethans as especially ironic and even shocking. The play’s opening speech already implies that little good can come to the kingdom from the kind of relationship the ambitious â€Å"favourite† desires.Keeping aside the facts of the king’s typical waywardness and unnatural love towards his favourite, we can analyse the issue of kingship from a totally different dimension. He has never been a good king, but if we judge Edward as a human being then definitely we have to say that he is an over emotional, honest, and good hearted person who lacked the political shrudeness and cunning to handle the power-hungry barons who were ready to take the advantage of the immaturity of the young king and desired to snatch his power and money.If Edward would have given a little more time , perhaps he could have prove himself a better king , but Younger Mortimer did not allow such chances and slaughtered the king secretively to suit his purposes. Now the question arises that if a man is not cunning, shrude and tricky is that a vice or virtue? Can we really blame Edward just because he could not conform to the so called notion of being a perfect king? All these questions are very ironical and makes the very issue of kingship all the more complex which keep open multi-dimensional possibilities to interpret the topic as well as the play itself.